I had a great training week: I got to run with my Vizsla dog Deena three times, my college aged son once and am finally starting to get the hang of the appropriate effort levels for my harder runs. What’s better than that?
Monday – 6.8 recovery pace (9:44/128 bpm) miles on CP dirt bridle path at sunrise with Deena doggie. Went on a weird rare eating rampage that I didn’t understand but in retrospect think my body wanted the calories to recover from the prior weekend, and I woke up the next day feeling much better. Strength work: weighted goblet squats.
Tuesday – 11 miles with 4×1.5 miles on hills with 90 seconds recovery. (7:39/167 bpm, 7:28/170 bpm, 7:36/170 bpm, 7:24/173 bpm) Woke up with low stress score so went for this workout. Averaged three seconds faster than last week, which was on easier terrain, and 17 seconds per mile faster than when I did this workout during week 12 of the fall marathon training cycle! To get over my mental block from running faster than 7:30 pace, I focused solely on effort, keeping my heart rate in the 170’s after the first “warmup” mile, and gradually creeping up to finish at 177 bpm. Next week, I think I will be brave enough to start at a higher heart rate/effort level. Strength work: 2×20 weighted goblet squats, 4×20 push ups.
Wednesday – 5.6 mile (8:54/136 bpm) recovery run with Deena doggie after 8 hours’ sleep. 8:46/139 bpm third mile.
Thursday – 10.2 miles (9:38/145 bpm) easy in CP. At the end of my warmup, I pushed off the workout I had planned when I realized my heart rate was higher than it should be for the paces I was running, signaling that I was not recovered enough to absorb hard training. Weird spot on my foot and knee did not feel great just as I finished the run. Strength work: 2×20 single legged goblet squats, 95 second side planks, 3 sets hamstring exercises, 3 sets reverse lunges, 2 sets lateral lunges, weighted goblet squats, balance exercises.
Friday – 7.4 miles (8:46/151 bpm) with Deena doggie NYFlyer friend Francesco in CP which was beautifully dusted with light snow. Ran a bit harder than planned but I was balanced! Loved this run and felt better than expected afterward, probably bc my running mechanics were good.
Saturday – stress score finally low enough to absorb hard training, and ran best GMP miles ever! 15.3 miles, with 2×5 miles at GMP effort on CP hills (7:39/mile average) (1st set – 7:39/172 bpm; 7:28/172 bpm; 7:52/174 bpm; 7:27/173 bpm; 7:37/175 bpm)(2nd set – 7:40/173 bpm; 7:31/174 bpm; 7:56/176 bpm – 30 sec stop for heart rate to go under 180 – 7:43/171 bpm; 7:37/177 bpm). I am finally “getting” the feel of the correct effort level for MP miles and mental stamina for the effort that must go into it. Compression gear and nap afterward!
Sunday – woke up feeling surprisingly good and with a low stress score. 18.7 miles, the first 14.7 solo while listening to my spiritual Sunday playlist (8:45/155 bpm), and the last four with my senior in college son. What a treat! Strength work: weighted eccentric heel drops, 2 sets reverse lunges with Kettlebells.
Weekly total: 75 miles